Restoring the Lost Smile

We are an organization that operates to help the needy in society, visiting children’s homes, relieving poverty, education, religion, protecting the environment, animal welfare, human rights and community development.

THANK YOU for your interest in supporting the work on Restoring the Lost Smile in Kenya. All donations go directly to making a difference in the lives or children and families in Kenya. Find out more about their activity on their Facebook Page.

Charity Director Donation Policy
Your donation is being made via Charity Director and includes a 5.00% tax-deductible processing fee per individual donation. Charity Director does not profit from this fee. This fee is used to pay banks, credit card companies and other administrative costs.

Charity Director distributes funds to charities on a monthly basis. Donors will be tax receipted for the date their donation is made, not the date their donation is disbursed. Donations made in December will be counted toward the current calendar year. Refunds can only be issued within the month that the transaction is completed, and can only be for the full transaction amount. Your donation is being made to Charity Director, Inc., a Washington nonprofit corporation & US-based registered 501(c)(3) organization.

100% of your contribution is deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations. No goods or services have been provided to you in return for your donation. Charity Director has exclusive legal control over your donation. Charity Director grants donated funds to other charities and charges the fee referenced above.