Money is not enough

A 2017 Gallup study says that measuring employees’ contentment or happiness levels, and catering to their wants, often fails to achieve the underlying goal of employee engagement. What does drive employee engagement? Bryan De Lottinville says “Goodness”. “Goodness is a proven way to engage your people while solidifying your brand and reputation to an even wider audience. … Read more

Why America Gives

Wondering what motivates Americans to be generous? How how each generation gives? How important social media really is for charities? If you are a charity wondering how to connect with your supporters or just curious as to what motivates you to give, check out “Why America Gives” by Classy, a fundraising software company for nonprofits. … Read more

Money Can Buy Happiness

If you think that money can’t buy happiness then you aren’t spending it right. In his TED Talk, Michael Norton proves that more money does not equal more happiness, but more giving does. He conducted an experiment with people across the world, giving people $5 or $20 and asking some people to give the away … Read more

Working from Home

In the midst of a global pandemic it can seem almost impossible to keep your employees engaged and hopeful. Whether they are living alone or trying to entertain kids while working, the pandemic can often feel isolating. How can a business keep their employees motivated and give them purpose? At Charity Director we know that … Read more

New Laws for Giving

The new laws are making a huge difference in how and when people give. Read more on Charity Navigator’s Blog. What does it mean at Charity Director? Charity Director is a 501c3 and “your gift is tax-deductible“. This means your business receives the tax deductible receipt for the company portion of the gift, and employees … Read more

When You Put Purpose and Passion First, Profit Will Follow

“It seems like everyone is talking about the importance of purpose in the workplace these days. At Benevity we’re thrilled because we’ve long believed that social impact and business success are deeply intertwined. We know that the best way to boost corporate culture—and employee engagement—is to strengthen workplace giving and volunteering programs.” – Benevity